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    Chris Snell

    Any idea on when we can expect to see the 1099's? And will they be delivered electronically or via USPS?

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    Ben Parker

    Hi Chris, Field Agent typically sends Form 1099 to all Agents who earned $600+ in the previous calendar year in the first few weeks of January.  This year (2022), we sent most of them on January 14th.

    If you have questions or want to check on the status of a Form 1099, please feel free to submit a request ticket to our Agent Experience Team. 

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    I can't pick up assignments it says to fill out w9 I filled out the W9 and it's still asking me to do that but it won't let me do it

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    Gumnam 009

    Ok not possible but you ok I'm ok

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    Ben Parker

    @kplaya, I'm sorry to hear of the issue you've experienced.  Please submit a ticket so that our Agent Experience Ambassadors can connect and get this resolved for you! 

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    Ben Parker

    Hi @gumnam009, I'm not sure what you mean from your post.  Please feel free to submit a ticket and our Agent Ambassadors will be happy to assist! 

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    Sihua Wu

    Hi Mr Ben can you ask them to send me the w9 form link for me to fill out since I submit the request many times and no response or do I need to find a form myself and fill it out and send it to you guys

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    Marc Bourbonnais

    Can someone please send me a W9 does not understand what I am asking them for some weird reason...

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    Ben Parker

    Hi @Marc and @Sihua, 
    My apologies for the delayed reply on this thread!! If you're still awaiting a W-9 form link from Tax1099, please submit a ticket via the Help Center in the Field Agent app.  Our Agent Experience Team will be happy to assist you in that process to get that resolved. Thanks!

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    Logan Glover

    I’ve submitted W-9 and app still will not allow me to accept new jobs. I’ve submitted a ticket as well and still no response. I don’t want to submit multiple because it may become confusing.

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    Mecah Heffernan

    I have submitted a W-9 multiple times and emailed in the help center multiple times. My account has been locked up for over a week. I am not seeing any jobs and it is not even letting me accept ticket jobs. Can someone please help me get this issue resolved.

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    Ben Parker

    Hi @logan and @Mecah

    It seems these comments did not get on the radar for our team.  Our apologies. 

    If you are unable to see jobs even after submitting the W-9, it's possible there was an issue with the processing.  Please submit a ticket via the Help Center in the app and our team will be able to help get that resolved! 

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