Penny Tasker is a Beta program that we are still testing in our system. Before it can be released to all of our agent base, our Penny Tasker Managers need help testing, troubleshooting and improving the platform.
Therefore, we are currently allowing a smaller group of agents to help them test out the Beta for a period of time. Once that period of time is complete, a new group of agents will be selected and allowed to use the Beta for a period of time and so on.
If you have not yet had to opportunity to help test out our Penny Tasker Beta, then we hope you will have the chance to do this in the future! Or, even better, we hope that we will be able to release it out to all of our agents before then.
Count me in on the beta too please
How do you sign up for the penny tasker beta program?
I'd like to be considered! Thank you
Whatever became of Penny Tasker? I was looking forward to trying it out. I'm already a Beta tester for field agent but I just haven't heard anything about it for awhile.
This sounds like such a cool opportunity! I would love to participate
How can I become part of the Beta Program for Penny Tasker?
I would like to become a Beta Program Tester in the Penny Tasker
I would enjoy being a tester!!!!!
Count me in too please!!
I'd love to, count me in!
I'd like to be included as well. ๐
Count me in.
I would like a chance to test it please
I'm very interested in the Penny Tasker Beta Program.
I would love to be considered for participation for Penny Tasker Beta and can start right away.
I'd be down to help
I would like to know more and be included thank you
Is this still a thing? Sounds awesome and would love to take part!
Sign me up plz
I'm down for beta
Would love to take part in this!
If you can call dibs on the next group of beta testers...DIIIBS!!
I would like 2 also. Sounds exciting
I'd like to check it out ! ๐
I'd be honored to help with the Penny Tasker Beta. Every job I've completed so far has been so fun and interesting, I'm excited to hear more about this!
Love to try this
Would love to be on the beta
I would absolutely love to do this!! I've done beta testing for Snapchat and a few others and it was really awesome, interesting etc. Definitely something I enjoy!!
Not sure what the current status of the Beta program but I would love to be a part of the program if there are opportunities still available. Best of luck!
Put me in coach
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