When looking at your earnings in the app, or online in your transaction history, you may be wondering why there are sometimes funds showing above the YTD (Year to Date) label, but those funds do not show up above your actual Cashout balance, so they can’t be cashed out yet.
It is likely that some of your recently completed jobs are still waiting to be reviewed by our Review Team. In your app, you can head to "Earnings" at the bottom menu and you will see these jobs are still in the "In Review" tab. Online in your transaction history, this will be reflected by orange arrows next to the transactions. You can view your transaction history here: https://my.fieldagent.net/agent/#/transaction-history
Our YTD earnings are predictive, meaning it will show how much you could earn assuming that all currently pending jobs become approved. Once a job is complete, the earnings for that job automatically get added to your YTD earnings, even though the job has not yet been reviewed.
However, if any job gets denied, the earnings from that job will be subtracted back out of your YTD earnings.
After the job is reviewed, if it is approved, the earnings from that job will get added to your "Available For Cash Out" amount (online) or "current balance" amount (in-app) and you will be able to cash them out. Once your funds are here, they are yours for good!
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