Need to find an end cap, free-standing display, side kick, or clip strip for a job?Use the information below to help you locate what you need.
For starters, this 3.5 minute video will help you identify different types of in-store displays.
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End Cap
An end cap is a display that is at the end of aisle. Some end caps can be found facing outward toward a main walkway. End caps can also be found facing interior shelves, away from a main walkway.
Main Walkway
A main walkway is a wide path that contains product displays within the walkway.
Side Kick
A side kick is a display that is on the side of an end cap, facing the shoppers who are shopping in the aisle.
Free-Standing Display
A free-standing display is a display that is within a main walkway, but is not attached to an aisle.
Clip Strip
A clip strip is a display where products are clipped to or hung on a plastic strip, often in front of other products. These are much smaller than the other types of displays.
Health & Beauty Products
When we use the term “health and beauty” products, we mean these kinds of products:
- Cosmetics
- Skin care, including soaps and lotions
- Personal care (deodorant, razors, toothpaste, etc.)
- Hair care
- Over the counter medications, including first aid products
- Eye care like contact lens solutions, eye drops, etc.
- Vitamins, supplements, and nutritional products
- Feminine care/hygiene products
- Other similar items that would be found in the same department of the store as the above items.
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Wish this was like mobee
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